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Live stage & DJ event

At Crossover, we rent it out as a live performance hall from noon to 8:00 p.m.
​Since you are renting out your free time, the price is relatively reasonable.

Four 50-inch monitors are connected, including the 150-inch stage monitor, six 50-inch monitors in the store, and an 85-inch monitor in the VIP room, all of which can be linked to output the same image.

DJ event scene

           DJ event


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idol stage event

           Live & Stage

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theatrical event



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Image of empty seats inside the store

           Free store layout


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waiting room

           The VIP room can be used as a waiting room or a business meeting room.


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​クロスオーバー のホール入口はデジタルサイネージの電光看板ですが、そこに映し出される映像はクロスオーバーにて無料で製作いたします。












基本料金 ¥40,000

ドリンクコイン20杯 (@¥500)













​・ライブPA (有料にて手配可能)

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